CuttanaNir Price
ShapeNir merged with Cuttana to become CuttanaNir.
By selecting 1 or 2 start and end points, an animation will be created automatically.
The animation is created with “path trimming” expression and “slider control” keyframe to control it.
*It is not a script that has “a function to create animation fully automatically”.
*Please use “Cuttana” to convert text to shape character by character and cut to one stroke.
*This script does not support concave tips (shaped like the tip of the V-shaped cut ribbon).
アニメーション用に作成されるのは『パスのトリミング』のエクスプレッションと、それを制御する『スライダー制御』キーフレーム。 後から直感的にスピードやタイミングなどの一括編集が可能です。